sunset cabin on lake simcoe, ontario. by taylor smith architects. [via]
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
brave space coat rack
featured at brooklyn design, this coast rack is made from left overs. i love it! by brave space. [via]
eames elephant
to celebarate the 100th birthday of charles eames, vitra is producing a limited anniversary edition of the eames plywood elephant. designed in 1945, this piece attained legendary status, in spite of the fact that it never went into production. only 1000 will be made! more info at vitra.
gabriel de la vega
gorgeous jewelry design by gabriel de la vega seen at last week's brooklyn design show. enjoy looking at the photo, because the prices are steep! [via]
Monday, May 14, 2007
pinch is a system of refillable organic spices . lovely somple packaging and an overall good idea for those of us who use some spices only twice a year! by aimee less
free sweedish!
tidningar is an amazing site where you can peruse through all the recent issues of sweedish design, art, and architecture magazines. true, everything is in swedish, but the images are enough for me!
kitchen garden
i am loving all the tiny hydroponic garden systems that are emerging. this one is eoin mcnally's miele cultivate system, "the cultivation system uses hydroponics to cultivate substantial amounts of fruit and vegetables in the kitchen." [via]
amy helfand
amy helfend showed her gorgeous rugs at the recent brooklyn design show-the patterns are so fresh. [via]
Thursday, May 10, 2007
stina persson show
just receieved this invite for stina's solo exhibit in nyc. she has the best style, I would love to see this show. check out more of her work here.
new balenciaga
i love balenciaga's new fall 07 line: excellent use of patterns, lots of scarves, and overall great silhouettes. chck out the whole collection.
Monday, May 7, 2007
visual exhaust
how much CO2 does your car put out every day? the world wildlife federation of china wants to show you. [via]
jen garrido
i've posted on jen before, but the further we get into spring, the more relevent her work seems to me. her oil paintings have shapes that just grow and blossom off the page. check out her website. [via]
violet-the gift giving key
if mother's day has you feeling confused, check out violet, an online shop for specific types of people, leading you to perfect and distinctive gifts. shown here is the ghost teapot and flowering tea. [via]
oldsjö hultgren design
the patio stones are especially cool, and do have an m.c. escher quality to them. [via]
i love iceland
look at these gorgeous bottles of reyka vodka. filtered through lava rock and finished off with a pretty patterned cap. [via]
liz miller
liz miller, an artist from minnesota, likes to mix up natural and digital imagery, to create amazing wall based installations. [via]
Thursday, May 3, 2007
haute green @ icff
treehugger is previewing the haute green booth, an exhibition of the best in contemporary sustainable design and home furnishings, It will be shown at at ICFF, coming to New York from May 19 - 22. check out the pictures, looks like it will be worth visiting.
leatherman pruners
the best muti-tool compnay, leatherman has branched out into gardening. looks like a good mother's day present... [via]
scad sale
savannah college of art and design are having an online sale of student and faculty work. featured here is a cool patchwork pillow/sleeping bag combo from maura mcdonald. looks so cozy. check out the full sale here. [via]
volcom creedlers

volcom's hand crafted line of creedlers combines funational footwear with a select group of artists-to create a collection of super graphic and comfortable kicks.
that's what i'm talking about
check out this headlining style theme 'more taste than money' on someone admits to it! It gives a run down of affordable must-have pieces for this spring and beyond. [via]