the gorgeous paintings of jen garrido remind me of the flowering trees out my window.
Friday, March 30, 2007
flake curtain
mia cullen for woodnotes. great to see faceted curtains-you can't call them drapery anymore! phew. [via pan-dan]
sketchy furniture
from the swedish quadruple front design, these sketched furnishings are really fun. the process includes motion capture of air sketching, turning the file into a 3D model, and finally rapid prototyping the files into the real thing. reminds me of the next generation of harold and the purple crayon! [via bloesem]
no knead bread!
weekend project! this bread not only looks great, but is well tested and well reviewed! it doesn't need many ingredients, but it has to sit for over one whole day--so plan ahead! recipe here. [via angry chicken]
helmick & schechter
check out this amazing suspended bronze sculpture by helmick and schetcher. it's housed in the leon m. goldstein high school for the sciences in brooklyn, ny
Thursday, March 29, 2007
charley harper: an illustrated life
cincy local & favorite charley harper will be the celebrated subject of a new book, a project initiated by todd oldham. it looks like they definitely did it right: the book is 17"x12", 420 pages, and full of charley's minimal nature. this is going to be my lifetime favorite! set for release this june through ammo books. you can find a nice online collection of his work here.
merging ancient techniques with modern design
`e bella, created by nicole linton, was created to revive a traditional artisan community in peru, devastated by civil war. she fused her knowledge of design, color, and fashion with the art and skill of the peruvian community. the result is beautiful and functional art. [thanks mom!]
sound of silver

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
10 of america's greenest hotels
forbes traveler has named 10 hotels around the country that are making large strides to provide luxury in a sustainable way. featured here is sadie cove wilderness lodge in alaska: "the entire place is off the grid, generating its own electricity through wind and hydro power. The lodges are hand-built from scavenged driftwood and the hotel supplies its own kayaks and fishing gear to lodgers at no extra cost." sounds good to me.
lovely & cheap prints
the small stakes makes silkscreen posters for tons of favorite bands. they're very inexpensive and will look great on your walls.
magic hat
best brews from burligton are now available around the country! try the #9, a not quite pale ale with apricot... more spring barbeque material!
quiet revolution

this is the kind of thing that makes you observe your everyday surroundings a little closer. finding beauty in a plain old log-very inspirational work by quiet revolution. [via designsponge]
verre ny
gorgeous jewelry by verre ny. these thoughtful compositions of colored glass drops are perfect for spring. [via oh joy]
heath ceramics
heath ceramics is one of the few remaining mid-century american potteries still in existence today. each piece is handcrafted by one of 40 artisans in their sausolito, ca studio. beautiful & simple.
Stella Im Hultberg

creative suite 3!
yesterday adobe released the long awaited creative suite 3--the design premium package includes photoshop, illustrator, flash, dreamweaver, indesign, & acrobat. cheers to integration !
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
preserve products
nicely designed, made from 100% recycled plastic, dishwasher safe for re-use, and totally recycleable. by recyline inc. [via swissmiss]
design disease
do choose wine for the labels? pick restaurants by the typeface on the sign? organize your closet by color? then you've got it. [via swissmiss]
akiko glassware
perfect for spring drinks on the porch! by kenzo available at unica home. [via tastespotting]
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
sarah morris

artist sarah morris' current series, beijing, is, "symbolic of some of the architectural challenges that the city is facing in light of the upcoming olympic games in 2008." the painting above, wolf, is part of the origami series, "based on a simple process that originated in china and that can result in increasing complexity." [via d*sponge and artmoco]
Monday, March 12, 2007
stella for target...
target australia that is! [jealous!] reports say there were frenzies reminiscient of the H&M launch of Stella's line last year--violent! I think I would have been in there with the best of them--check out the dress on the left! see the collection here.
recorded conversations
louisa bufardeci has merged craft and technology to create 13 captured telephone conversations, each one is a minute long. i love the idea of making patterns in sound, information, or behavior into actual 2d graphic patterns. [via gizmodo¬cot]
solo press
bodum's french press travel mug provides an easy way to get your velvety morning sludge. mmmmmmmmmm
ira glass on storytelling
ira glass (you know, the dreamy radio personality ever from this american life), has been interviewed on storytelling tips & how to make a compelling presentation. he gives some great advice that can be utilized by anyone, but particularly designers making a case for their ideas. here are a few helpful quotes from ira:
"Everything is more compelling when you talk like a human being, when you talk like yourself."
"Not enough gets said about the importance of abandoning crap."
yes, you heard him...and let's apply the later quote not only to presenting but to physical design as well! thanks ira! [via chrisglass]
cincy through glass
chris glass, a photographer from cincinnati, really captures the beautiful moments we pass by everyday in the little old midwest. i love the photos are farms & factories especially.
refill seven
refill magazine is curating a laser cut skateboard exhibition, seven. only 50 decks will be made of each design, created by a select group of artists. The results are really beautiful--too nice to ride! check them out on flickr. if you are extra lucky, you can check them out in person: the exhibition is touring through sydney, nyc, la, tokyo, and tba europe. [via core77]
Friday, March 9, 2007
living glass
living glass captures and preserves leaves flowers and many other things in glass, pretty option for windows and table tops. [via apartment therapy]
bella dia
gorgeous collage by bella dia--very fresh--i love the mood and colors. good style for trend boards. [via belladia]
for the boys
hello gentlemen, if you are looking for some fresh spring kicks, i highly recommend these royal elastics: gratas+nusuros
pocket symphony
finally! air has graced us once again with their ethereal sound. pocket symphony is a perfect soundtrack for a morning train ride; calm... yet upbeat enough to get you moving. check it out.
sint lucas art academy
check out this cool folk style building, designed by london based FAT [fashion architecture taste], which houses the art academy boxtel in the netherlands. reminds me of sanna annukka's illustrations! [via wemakemoneynotart]
Thursday, March 8, 2007
pattern bubbles
what a fantastic decorating idea! i love this inexpensive solution for all of the paper and fabric scraps i've been saving. the purl bee uses these quilting hoops to display fabric in their nyc shop. i have to find a free wall to do this at home!
hop skip jump
these adorable bunnies are hand sewn by fiona of hop skip jump, a part time crafter, part time graphic designer, & full time aussi. her creations are so full of character!
eva solo on grilling
sustainable table
this season i have been learning about eating food that is in season and locally grown--making my table more sustainable. this website has a wealth of easy to understand information on how you can take small steps to make your diet more eco friendly. it's an amazing resouce--nicely designed and super interesting!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
speech bubbles!
i love these 3d speech bubbles from moma's new exhibit, comic abstraction. these mylar speech bubbles are the work of philippe parreno back in 1997, the 2d image is a close up from a series of works by rivane neuenschwander - blocking out all images and text and only leaving the structure of the comic. wouldn't it be fun to carry one of these around as a balloon? [via notcot]