the city guide that you write--each book includes lots of maps , tabbed pages for different categories (restaurants, shops, hotels) and blank pages for you to fill in with your own plans. [the maps even have translucent sheets to trace itineraries onto--very thoughtful.] each city also has a corresponding blog where you can trade travel tips with other like-minded moleskine users. currently available for london, paris, milan, rome. what a discreet travel companion-- now you can loose that wall sized folded map. buy it at amazon. [via moco loco]
... and don't forget the blog!!!
moleskinecity.com is the new web address featured by Moleskine and connected to the Moleskine City Notebooks!
There is a blog for each city notebook, featuring updates, curiosities, traveller experiences and links to other blogs and communities. Check it out!
thanks claudia!
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